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New Pathways
Amount Awarded $20,218 ($15,218 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. [...]
C.A.S.T. (Citizens Against Sex Trafficking
Amount Awarded $20,653 ($15,653 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
For Goodness Cakes
Amount Awarded $19,803 ($14,803 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
My Very Own Bed
Amount Awarded $19,193 ($14,193 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
Every Third Saturday
Amount Awarded $19,328 ($14,328 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
Small Sums
Amount Awarded $19,153 ($14,153 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
Valley Friendship Club
Amount Awarded $18,928 ($13,928 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]
Domestic Abuse Legal Advocacy Center
Amount Awarded $18,967 ($13,967 member donations + $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze [...]