Category Archives: Charities


Amount Awarded: $ 12,000.00

Youthlink was the selected charity at December’s meeting.   Youthlinks vision is “empowering youth to shape their futures by providing a safe, supportive, respectful and responsive community of excellence. YouthLink is the place where the END of homelessness and the END of poverty begin for youth served.”

Their Mission is to “Build healthy relationships with youth and the community to address youths’ urgent needs so that doors of opportunity are opened to futures of empowerment, connectedness, and self-reliance”

Learn more about this organization at:

Spare Key

Amount Awarded: $ 10,500


“Spare Key helps Minnesota, North Dakota, Souh Dakota and Wisconsin families with housing grant assistance while their seriously ill or critically injured child is in the hospital.  For 16 years, Spare Key has helped families “Bounce and not Break” with the gift of time.  Our program seeks to ensure parents remain a  critical part of their child’s care and recovery team, dramatically improving the quality of life and care for a seriously ill or critically injured child.”

Learn more about this organization at:

Domestic Abuse Project

Amount Awarded:   $ 10,000.00


“At DAP our mission is simple, we work to stop domestic violence.  We do this one man at a time, one woman at a time and one child at a time, using our proven counseling and educational programs.  To stop domestic violence we also work to prevent it.  We do this with individuals, but also by working closely with partner organizations throughout our community.  DAP’s partnerships with community and policy leaders, with higher education, with law enforcement and court systems, and with human service organizations, have helped strengthen the community’s response to domestic violence on a daily basis.”

Learn more about this organization at:

Avenues for Homeless Youth

Amount Awarded:  $10,200.00


“The mission of Avenues for Homeless Yourth is to provide emergency shelter, short-term housing and supportive services for homeless youth in a safe and nurturing environment.  Through such service, Avenues seeks to help youth achieve their personal goals and make a positvie transition into young adulthood.”  

Learn more about this organization at:

Employment Action Center a division of RESOURCE

Amount Awarded:  $ 10,055.00

Resource’s mission is to empower people to achieve a greater personal, social and economic success.  RESOURCE is committed to undoing racism and promoting diversity.  Our contribution will be going to Women Achieving New Directions (WAND) which is a program of the Employement Action Center.  WAND helps low income, single mothers increase their earned income through wage advancement and career laddering services.

Learn more about this organization at: